Cuz I Don't Wanna!

Whenever our branch VP brings up doing anything social outside of the office with people in my office, my standard response is, "I'm out!" People think I'm anti-social (I kind of am) but I learned my lesson years ago to not get close to anyone in the office.
There was one agent in the office that I used to hang with a lot; we were really close but then she started to "abuse" my friendship. We had our annual holiday event one Saturday which ended at noon and she had clients call her (at 1 p.m.) to say they needed a notary. I am a notary but I only notarize for our clients or people I know. My behind is on the line when I notarize something so I'm very careful who I help and who I don't. This particular day, I'd been at the office since 6 a.m. finishing set-up of the event and I was exhausted from being on my feet and running all morning. The agent told me her people needed me to notarize something and I told her I wouldn't and she went ballistic. First off, it's 1:00 on Saturday and they're not in town. Secondly, I don't know them! She told them, before asking me, that she had someone who could do it. Not cool.
I live a few blocks from the office (makes for a great commute) and one time, she called me after I'd already been home for about an hour to whine to me she forgot her office key and could I come to let her in because "I really don't want to have to drive home to get my key!" I told her that I was in for the night and she would not let up and I was pissed. I got in my car (I was already in my pjs so I had to change clothes), drove to the office and let her in and I told her "Never again." I didn't speak to her again for a very long time after that. I don't care that I live close by; if I tell you I'm in for the night it means my behind is staying in the house and not leaving! Her lack of planning was not my problem!
I learned not to be close friends with office people because of her.
The people in the office are just that: people in the office. I am friends on social media with very few because, for the most part, they don't need to know my business. Am I friendlier with some more than others? Of course but I'm still not "best buddies" with them. Would I maybe go out for dinner or a drink with one or two of them? Possibly but more than likely not. I see these people enough on a daily basis and my personal time is MY time and I don't really want to hang with people from the office on my personal time. It's not like I hate them (not all of them, anyway) but I like to keep work and home completely separate. I am friends with a few people from our home/corporate office but the difference is I don't see them very often.
I'm sure many in the office think I'm an uber bitch for not being social and I really don't care. I've been in this job for 20 years and have seen many people come and go and many I never got to know. I'm here to work and if that makes me a bitch or a pariah, I'll gladly accept either title.


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