I know,  I know; you feel hella special being a part of my FIRST BLOG POST! Party time, excellent! Oh, I probably just dated myself with that phrase. Oh well!
So, I'm a sarcastic smart ass--it's in my genes. Pretty much been this way since I forced my way out of the womb FIFTY YEARS AGO! You read that right; I am in my fifth decade of life. Oh aren't you sweet; I don't think I look fifty either! All that good, clean livin' has kept me looking soooo youthful!
Stop laughing. It's not nice to laugh at an old woman so stop it before I smack you with my cane.
Let's see...what is there to know about me.
Born in St. Peter, MN which is home of the ever-popular St. Peter State MENTAL Hospital. Seems fitting. Moved to Hudson, WI when I was a wee lass of one year old and have been in Hudson ever since. Graduated from Hudson High School probably in the middle of my class in 1987 and you couldn't pay me enough money to EVER go back to high school. Why you ask? IT SUCKED MONKEY GONADS. I was not a popular kid, I was not a jock, I was not one of the brains...I just WAS. Didn't have a huge group of friends but the ones I did have are still my friends which I think is better than having masses of "friends" you barely acknowledge in life. High school was crappy and I laugh when classmates post on Facebook how close our class is/was. *Cough cough* bullsh*t *cough*. Maybe the popular kids, jocks and brains were close back then but if you weren't one of them, they let you know it. Thing is, now I like being an outsider because who wants to always follow the crowd? Not me!
Okay so here's a funny (at least funny to me) story:
Picture it. Hudson 2017 and my 30th Class Reunion. Friend and I are mingling and she goes up to a guy who was pretty much one of the smart AND popular guys and hugs him and blah blah blah. Now, I will admit that I do NOT look like I looked 30+ years ago: I now have red hair and glasses and was a blonde with no glasses back in school. So this guy looks at me and I can tell he's trying like hell to figure out who I am and internally, I'm laughing because this guy never said squat  to me or even acknowledged my existence in high school. So he's floundering and I finally tell him who I am and I know the effer has no idea who I still am so I say, "Why would you know me now? You never spoke two words to me in high school" and I walk away.
Mic drop, cue the thunderous applause.
And it felt damn good to say that. Petty? Well just call me Petty McPetterson then because it felt WONDERFUL!
After my illustrious high school career, went to college for one brief, flickering moment. Hated every minute of it so moved back home to start working full time. I've had several "careers" (if you can call them that) until 1999 when I joined my workaholic Pops in this crazy game we call real estate and that's where I've been the last 20 years.
I'm single (and not ready to mingle), own a house (well, the bank & I own it) and I have a crazy ass Shih Tzu named Mauer Thomas. Love the dog but if I was a drinking woman I'd probably be blitzed a few times a week as he drives me batcrap crazy several times a week.
So, that's me in a small nutshell. Yes, there are more layers to me but we'll get into that at some other time. If you have anything you want to know about me, leave them in the comments and if they're appropriate (or even if they're not) I'll try to answer them. Or give me a topic you want to know my thoughts on. Just no politics or religion, please because NO.

Sometimes my life feels like one long fall from grace
I chase my dreams and I was getting weary from the chase
I've held an angel's hand and I've felt the devil's bite, yeah
Now I take my regrets and burn them down
The future's looking bright
Let's light it up

"Light This Party Up"
From the album "Rocket Science"
Rick Springfield aka


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