Love Somebody Part Deux

So I TOTALLY forgot the most awesome Rick Springfield story!
Did y'all know that Rick performed in a show in Vegas? HE DID! It was at the MGM Grand and ran in 2001 & 2002 and it was called EFX ALIVE and yours truly saw it.

The more memorable time goes like this:
I took my sister on a trip to Vegas and got us tickets for the show (See? I didn't forget him after all!). Let me give you a little background on the sis: it takes a LOT to fluster or excite my sister. I'm the emotional one of us 3 kids and my sister is the rational, calm one in my opinion. She's always had her sh*t together. So we're going to this show and for her, it's no big deal. It's like going to see a movie. We get kinda dressed up and head to the theater. The theater is situated so that there are tables in the audience halfway through the auditorium and the rest is like standard theater seats. I splurged and got us a table which is probably around what would be about 10 rows or so from the stage. The lights go out and the show begins. It is all out Vegas cheese complete with 3D glasses and I'm digging it especially because RS is in nice, tight pants so YUM! It's a lot of music and special effects and it's just a fun show. At one point, he disappears from the stage and reappears in the audience
Right. At. Our. TABLE! (insert girly squeal!)
Then, he starts high fiving and slapping hands and he slaps my sister's hand and she absolutely freaked the hell out! It was AWESOME! She was squealing like me at my first RS concert! I've never seen her so excited!
So the show ends and we head back to our room where she promptly gets on the phone to call her husband and this is what she says:
"Oh my God! Rick Springfield touched my hand and I'm never washing that hand AGAIN!"
Hilarious, right?
So I'm laughing as I go into the bathroom to change for bed and as I'm taking off the boulder holder, something falls out of it and hits the floor. I lean down and pick it up and nearly lose my sh*t. I throw on a robe and run out of the bathroom holding up said dropped item and scream:
Yes, friends; Rick F*cking Springfield dropped a guitar pick down my shirt at the MGM Grand Showroom and I didn't even know it til it dropped out of my bra.

You cannot make this sh*t up.
I kept that guitar pick and show ticket stub in my jewelry box until recently when I found the show program and 3D glasses tucked away in another drawer and you bet your bippy they are now framed and hanging on a wall in my house.
I will seriously remember that show with my sister for the rest of my days.

"Stand up everybody
This is where we start
Listen to the rhythm
Of the music in your heart
Get up on your feet
Fire's burning red
Listen to the rhythm
Of the music in your head
Yea, I'm addicted to the Rhythm Of The Beat"
Rhythm of the Beat
Rick Springfield


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