My Name Is Yussel

So Rosh Hashanah is upon us and for my non-Jewish friends Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.
I'm not Jewish but I have a slight "fascination" with Judaism and this is why:
One of my all-time favorite movies is the 1980 classic "The Jazz Singer" starring the ever satin-shirted Neil Diamond. My Dad and I call this our "Christmas Movie" as we used to watch it every Christmas Day. We know this movie by heart.
A quick synopsis: Neil plays Yussel Rabinovitch, a cantor in a synagogue in New York. His alter ego is Jess Robin and he yearns to be a musical super star. He and his wife Rivka live with his father played by the legendary Laurence Olivier as Cantor Rabinovitch. 

They live a simple life but Yussel wants more and he gets it when his song "Love On The Rocks" (yes; that song!) is bought by a rock musician. And from there, Yussel's life is changed and Yussel is pretty much no more; he has completely become Jess.
Not to give away the whole movie but Jess struggles with being Jess and his father disowns him for a certain reason but then they make amends and the movie ends with one of the best endings of any musical movie on the planet and it features Neil with his satin shirt, fringed scarf, tight polyester pants, long black hair and the song "America". It is movie gold.
I can honestly say, I have learned a lot about Judaism from this movie! I now know what Yom Kippur is (it's a day of atonement) and can sing part of the Kol Nidre. I know that when a person is angry or sad at the loss of a loved one, they tear their own clothing (it's actually called kriah; I just looked that up. They didn't use that term in the movie). It really is a fascinating religion with amazing traditions.

And one of the opening scenes in the nightclub with the "brothers" is absolutely hysterical but pretty non PC for today.

It's amazing how a movie that's not very memorable for so many taught me so much.

Hello again, hello
Just called to say hello
I couldn't sleep at all tonight
And I know it's late
But I couldn't wait

Hello, my friend, hello
Just called to let you know
I think about you ev'ry night
When I'm here alone
And you're there at home, hello

Maybe it's been crazy
And maybe I'm to blame
But I put my heart above my head
We've been through it all
And you loved me just the same
And when you're not there
I just need to hear

Hello, my friend, hello
It's good to need you so
It's good to love you like I do
And to feel this way
When I hear you say, hello

Hello, my friend, hello
Just called to let you know
I think about you ev'ry night
And I know it's late
But I couldn't wait

"Hello Again"
from "The Jazz Singer"
Neil Diamond


  1. I remember you always talking about this. Great holidays with the family.


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