By the Book

My love of reading came from my Mom. My Mother is a total bookworm. Go to their house and you'll see a book on the side table by her favorite chair. When she's in Florida, she reads probably a book a day and has a library card for the Cape Coral library. When they get there, first stop is for groceries and second is for books.
I can remember the first author I really enjoyed was Mary Higgins Clark. She wrote amazing mysteries and I would get totally immersed in her books. After Mary came Nora Roberts. I absolutely devoured her books and still enjoy reading them to this day. It's not uncommon for me to go back and re-read some of her books still to this day. I own so many of her books and refuse to get rid of them.
Once "50 Shades" become popular, the books I read became more "provocative" but then again, I was in the majority! I remember referring to it as "The Book" with my friends and they'd all read it. In all actuality, the book kinda sucks as do the sequels.
Once at a family gathering at my parent's house, we were discussing books and some of my female relatives were going on and on about these books that were "thought provoking", blah blah blah. When they asked me if I was a reader I told them I was and when they asked why types of books I liked to read, I paused then said, "Smut."
Hey; just being honest!
A few years ago, we did a big charity garage sale for a local homeless shelter. I decided to donate a bunch of books and when I say "bunch", it was easily around 200 books. The garage sale was taking place at my parent's house so I brought the bins of books over. I brought them into the house and Mom proceeds to go through the bins and starts taking out book after book for herself. I said,"Mom, a lot of those are smut!" She replied, "So? I like smut, too!"
Now you know where I get it from.
I still read smut but it's more in romantic comedy form now as that's become my favorite genre lately.  Tara Sivec is my all time favorite author as her books have me laughing til I cry. I do still love a good psychological thriller every once in a while as well but prefer comedy.
I don't read nearly as much as I used to and that bums me out. I do pick up my Kindle a few times a month and can get a good book read in a day or two as long as it holds my interest immediately.
When I read, I don't want to have to "think" too much, if you know what I mean. I just want to immerse myself in another world for a while and not deal with the crap of every day life. I don't want to have to grab a dictionary to figure out "the big words" because I read for pleasure not home work. I don't want to read anything depressing or heavy or uber thought-provoking. For me, a book needs to be an escape into another world.


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