It's Just Emotion That's Taken Me Over

I've always been the emotional one in my family. Sometimes it's a good thing and sometimes it's a not so good thing. Memories pop up on my Facebook page sometimes that have me in tears whether it's a good memory or a sad one. I hate that I let my emotions get the best of me too often. If I get really frustrated or angry, do I punch walls? Nooooo. I cry. It's like I can't even help it!
I recently watched the most recent remake of "A Star Is Born" and I knew how it was going to end as I'd seen the Streisand/Kristoffersen version years ago so I figured I was totally prepared.
Uh NOPE. Sweet Lord, I was an ugly crying mess for an hour. It's a good thing I didn't see it in a theater as I probably wouldn't have been able to drive home with the way I was crying. One morning at the pool, the song "Shallow" came on over the speakers and it took all my willpower not to become a blubbering mess right in the Y pool!
It's not just movies that make me emotional. Songs get me right in the gut. One of my favorite songs is "Your Song" by Elton John. Every damn time I hear that song the waterworks start. I've always wanted that song sung at my wedding (we all know how that turned out!) because if you really pay attention to the lyrics, they're just *sigh*
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is
While you're in the world
Come. On. If a guy said that to me I would be his FOR-EV-ER. (And I've cried at any of his concerts I've been to when he sings this song in the encore.)
Every year during the Pillow Fight, I usually end up crying but they're happy tears. When I see people walk into the office with armloads of pillows, it just wrecks me. And when I go over stuff about it at a meeting or at our winner's celebration, I get choked up. Even doing Facebook videos about it is tough for me; I barely get through without losing my shizzle.
I cry whenever an ASPCA or Humane Society commercial comes on. It's gotten so bad that when I see the first couple seconds, I have to change the channel. My heart can't take the photos of those sad eyed dogs and cats. I can't go to an animal shelter because seeing those poor pooches in their kennels just waiting for their forever home? UGH! If I could, I'd take every damn one of them home!
When Prince died, I was on vacation alone in Florida. I'm in the middle of Target when my sister called me and said, "Prince died!" I went lightning fast through the store to get back to the house where I proceeded to cry for two days. Can you imagine what I'll be like when youknowwho leaves this earth??? Well, he's gonna live forever so I don't even have to think about it!
I get teary at certain tv shows like the show "Long Lost Family". Sweet baby Jesus in a manger; that's an ugly cry show if there ever was one. And when Derek got shot on "Grey's Anatomy"? Child, please. I couldn't deal with it. I could see that episode a million times and I'd cry a million times.
Thing is, if I see someone cry, I will most likely get teary. Apparently I'm a big ol' marshmallow when I really want people to think I'm kind of a bitchy bad ass.
Can I be a bitchy bad ass marshmallow?


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