That's What I Like

Just for sh*ts and giggle, thought I'd comprise a list of random crap for y'all to "enjoy":

Favorite Color: Purple. Have it in my hair even and I lurv it!
Favorite Song: "Kristina" by youknowwho. I honestly love this damn song so much it's ridiculous. Unfortunately, the boyfriend didn't sing it at the last concert and I was so mad! I even had a special tee-shirt made that said, "Forget Jessie's Girl I wanna be Kristina!" Got lots of compliments on it, too.
Favorite Candy Bar: It really depends on the day. One day I could be craving Snickers and another it could be a peanut butter cup. My big favorite are the little Dove chocolates. The dark chocolate with peanut butter is life changing as is the milk chocolate with caramel. Holy. Crap.
Favorite Pizza: Before they closed the original location, my very favorite pizza was Red's Savoy "garbage pizza" which had everything on it. I know they have other locations but I'm afraid to try them. The original place was a dump (my Dad always said you wipe your feet when leaving) but it was my go-to place for dinner before any concert in St. Paul and the pizza (and pasta) were seriously killer.
If I had to choose a last meal it would be: A juicy steak cooked medium rare, baked potato loaded with sour cream, fresh corn and my Mom's apple crisp.
Baseball, Football, Basketball or Hockey: Baseball. Used to be football til all the political crap and when the NFL wussed out, I was done with it. Plus too many of the players are over-priced thugs who whine too much. Basketball? Never. BOOOORING! I do like to watch hockey if I'm actually at the game. Don't understand it but I love the fast pace and the fights!
Hamburgers or hot dogs: Burgers, baby! Nothing better than a juicy burger with cheese and bacon and a side of fries. I do like hot dogs but gimme a burger any day!
Favorite Season: I do like Fall--when we have one. Seems like it goes from Summer into Winter around here. I love sweater weather much more than I love sweating weather.
My dream car would be: Aston Martin DBS Superleggera. Look at this photo and you'll understand:
If I won a huge Powerball lottery I would: See now, I've thought long and hard about this for years. First, I would pay off all my bills. Next, I would buy a mansion in Savannah's historic district because I love it there and my dream is to one day live there. I would buy one of the above cars for my "fun car" and some luxury SUV for just normal, every day use. I would randomly pick 10 friends' names out of a hat and give $10,000 to a charity of their choice and I would also give a large chunk to charities that mean a lot to me such as Bridging. And I'd retire, travel, start my own charity (it's been on my mind for years already) and just do what I want when I want. Can you tell I've thought this through?
Favorite Actor: Hmmm; this one I'm struggling with. I don't go to a lot of movies and most of the tv I watch is reality stuff. I guess maybe Tom Hanks?
Favorite Actress: I'll go with Sandra Bullock on this one. Hands down. Love any of her movies I've seen. She's hilarious in "Miss Congeniality" and so awesome in "The Blind Side".
Dream vacation: I've always wanted to go to Greece but I hate flying. 3 hours to Florida is about all I can handle before I want to jump from the plane.
Best physical feature: Well, I guess my eyes?
Best trait: Sense of humor fo sho. I pride myself on making someone either laugh or smile every day.
Dream job: I've always wanted to be a writer but am too scared of what people will think of my writing. I used to write all the time when I was much younger and loved it. Sometimes I feel that I haven't lived an exciting enough life to write.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Archer Farms has this lower calorie Chocolate Pecan Pie ice cream that is AMAZING. Big fan!
Blonde or dark haired men: Dark. I think people would be surprised by the types of guys I'm attracted to. I have a crush on this one celebrity chef that even makes me scratch my head!!! I'm even too embarrassed to name who it is! And you won't even beat it out of me!
Tattoos: Yup; I have one but don't tell my Dad because I don't think he knows and he'd probably have a hissy even though I'm 50 freaking years old! It was something I wanted after the year from hell 10 years ago and I'm still glad I have it. And I want another but no idea what I want!
Tea or coffee: Tea. Always tea but decaf. Can't stand the smell of coffee and have tasted it once and decided motor oil would probably be preferable.
Favorite soda: It's one I can't get in my area which pisses me off! Caffeine-free Coke Zero. I can get it in Florida so I drink too much of it when I'm there.
Favorite alcoholic drink: I'm not a big drinker at all; never really acquired a taste for it. I like anything that doesn't taste like booze such as a blended strawberry margarita, pina colada, etc. I do like some hard ciders and there's this pineapple "hard cider" that really kicks ass. Not a fan of beer or wine and the booze I do have in my house never gets touched. I will say that I've acquired a taste for RumChata. So good with root beer!
Hobbies: Watching tv, reading... I'm not a big hobby person. I'll start a craft project and never finish it hence the boxes and boxes of yarn in my spare bedroom from my loom knitting phase!

Well, let's call it a day on these ramblings. Now you have more insight into the craziness that is me!


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