We Were The Champions

In 1991, my favorite baseball team, the Minnesota Twins, climbed up from the cellar to the big dance and made it into the World Series to face the Atlanta Braves who had also been cellar dwellers. I was lucky enough to go to Game 2 of that World Series and let me tell you, it was AMAZING.
My Dad worked for an oil company at the time and worked with reps who had tickets to the game and got 4 tickets for Game 2. My sister, bro-in-law, me and a friend took those tickets and headed to the Metrodome aka the Homer Dome. Ok, many people hated the Dome but I freaking loved it! You didn't have to worry about rain or snow or heat and when the place got rockin' and full of people, it was deafening in there! And let me tell you, the place nearly blew my ear drums out during Game 2! It was freaking awesome!
We'd already taken Game 1 so the energy was super high. Our seats weren't great but we didn't care; we were at the effing World Series! Not many people get to go to the effing World Series! Game 2 was the game where there was a little controversy at first base between Kent Hrbek and Ron Gant. Hey; there was no pulling Gant off the bag by Hrbek. Nope. Not a chance! (Not so fun fact: Hrbek actually got death threats over this crap and never left his hotel in Atlanta for fear of death) At one point in the game I said, "We really need a home run right about now!" Up next to bat was Scott Leius and what happens? HOME RUN! Holy crapballs! The Homer Hankies were waving like crazy after that!
We won Game 2 and the team headed to Atlanta where things did not go so well. Atlanta beat us all 3 games so when the series came back to Minnesota, it was a do or die situation.
Dad got 2 tickets to Game 6 but I wouldn't go; I didn't want to be there if we lost. My brother ended up going while I stayed home and watched the game on tv.
Why oh why didn't I go to that historic game????
This was the game when the late, great Kirby Puckett made us believe in miracles. That catch at the wall to rob Atlanta of a hit?
And then the home run to win the game and send it to Game 7? TOUCH 'EM ALL, KIRBY PUCKETT!
 I seriously have goosebumps right now just thinking about it. And I'm not lying when I say I cry every freaking time I watch those 2 clips. Puck said he would carry the team to Game 7 and he sure as hell did! Fun Fact: I know the guy who caught the home run ball. And he gave the ball to Kirby because he said it was the right thing to do.
So now, here we are at Game 7 and this is for all the marbles. The Twins have veteran Jack Morris pitching and it's a nail biter. I remember watching this game with my Dad. He was in his recliner and I was lying on the sofa and as the game went on with no score, we got more nervous. I can remember clutching my stomach and looking over at my Dad and he gave me a look like, "I can't take much more of this." It was brutal. 10 scoreless innings until the bottom of the 10th. Twins load the bases and up comes Gene Larkin to pinch hit. And hit he does. Drops in the outfield and Danny Gladden comes in from third with that blonde hair of his waving like a Homer Hankie and he stomps on home plate and THE TWINS HAVE WON THE WORLD SERIES!
It was amazing and breathtaking and, in my humble opinion, the best World Series Game 7 ever. Oh hell; it was the best World Series ever! And I'm so not biased.
I was so lucky to have the opportunity to go to a World Series game and that season started a love affair with baseball. I made sure to go to at least 1 game a month and even road tripped a couple times to Kansas City to watch them play. They've never been able to rekindle that magic but I'm sure in time they will. That season was so golden with such amazing players who will remain in the hearts of Twins fans forever.

We’re gonna win Twins, we’re gonna score!
We’re gonna win Twins, watch that baseball soar!
Knock out a homerun, shout a hip-hooray!
Cheer for the Minnesota Twins today!

We’re gonna win Twins, give it our all!
We’ve got the guys who’ll knock the cover off the ball!
Let’s hear it now for the team that came to play!
Cheer for the Minnesota Twins today!


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