You're My Best Friend

I would say that as of right now, I don't have what one would call a "best friend". I have a lot of close friends but not one I would really call my "bestie". I used to have a best friend but a few years ago, the friendship died. And I don't know why.
My BFF and I were so close. We'd email each other all day and every night, we'd talk on the phone for a minimum of an hour. We didn't live even remotely close to each other but it didn't matter. We'd never even met in person; we met on line but it was like we'd known each other forever. When she was going through a really rough patch, I was her shoulder to cry on. If I needed someone to listen, she lent her ear. We would laugh til we cried over the dumbest stuff. When we finally met in person, it was like I'd known her my whole life. We never stopped laughing and having fun. We were always there for one another no matter what.
Then, things started to change. On her side, there were fewer phone calls and emails until there were none at all. She wouldn't respond to anything. It was so bizarre to go from speaking to someone every day of your life to silence. Then, on her Facebook, she posted that she'd gotten engaged.
I didn't even know she was seeing anyone.
I was blindsided. And hurt. Why hadn't she told me? I would've been so thrilled that she'd met someone after she went through a pretty crappy relationship. Don't you tell someone who you call "my best friend" about a guy you're in love with? It was just bizarre to me!
I never got angry or cried. Actually, I felt....nothing.
Sometimes, friendships run their course without you even knowing it and I think that's what happened in this case. It sucks that it ended the way it did as there was really no closure; it was just like a door or window was left open and do you close it or not?
I reach out to her on Facebook messaging every once in a while. She lives in hurricane country and when her area got hit, I wanted to make sure she was okay. I sent her the link to my blog page last week just in case she wanted to know what's going on in my life. I'm not angry at her or hate her; I just feel at peace with everything.

I miss her sometimes but it's not like a big, gaping hole in my heart. I'm glad we have the memories we have and I sometimes still laugh over some of our shenanigans. I always wish her well and she knows I'm here if she needs me.


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