Leave Me Alone

Signs You're an Introvert
You enjoy spending plenty of time alone. ...
Your inner monologue is hard to shut off. ...
You do your best thinking alone. ...
You often feel lonelier in a crowd than when you're alone. ...
You feel like you're faking it when you have to network. ...
You have no desire to be the center of attention.

I went to lunch with some friends yesterday and the one stated that her daughter told her she's (the daughter)  an introvert and my friend told her daughter there was no way because she's very good with clients, etc and the daughter explained that there's a difference to being "on" at work and being an extrovert. I told my friend I totally get where her daughter is coming from and that I call myself an introverted extrovert aka an AMBIVERT.
I deal with a myriad of people every day at work. I spend my day being polite and friendly to all types of people whether they're nice or not but when I get home?
Leave me the hell alone.
It's tiring dealing with people day in and day out! And not all of them are nice so then it's SUPER challenging to remain a fricking ray of gdamn sunshine! When I get home, I just want to get in my comfy clothes and decompress. You know I love my dog more than my luggage but even he will get on my last nerve sometimes when I come home and he wants to be all up in my bidness. I've been known to say, "Just leave me alone for five minutes, Mauer Thomas!" The dog is a total "attack Mom with all my love when she comes home" canine which I appreciate but when you've had one of "those days", even a dog's attention is too much.
I used to get upset when friends would go out and not invite me but now it doesn't bother me at all because, in all actuality, I wouldn't go. I'm totally okay around people I know but add strangers into the mix and I'm uncomfortable. I kinda suck at small talk and, seriously, I know enough people and really am okay not knowing more. Is that so horrible? Probably but I don't care.
A few years ago, I went on vacation to Florida all by myself and it was divine. I could do what I want when I wanted and didn't have to talk to anyone. This year, I was there alone for three days and those three days were the perfect decompression days for me. I will admit, I was ready for my friend to come down on the fourth day but those 3 days prior were necessary. FYI: I only left the house 3 times in 10 days and it was phenomenal!
Is it age that makes me like this or what is it? I don't know and honestly? I don't care. I don't need 400 friends to make me feel like I'm popular because I really don't care if I'm popular and never have plus a few close friends are worth so much more than 100 not-so-close friends. I like my solitude and my alone time and if I spend time with you in any type of social setting know that I have deemed you very special because I don't leave my house for just anyone.


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