Wooly Bully

You know those people that wish they could go back to high school? "What I wouldn't give to go back and re-live my high school days!"
Yeahhhhh...I'm not one of those people.
As I mentioned many moons ago, I was just an average, under-the-radar kid when it came to high school. I went to school and then worked two jobs after school. I wasn't involved in extra-curricular activities because I didn't really care to be. I wasn't popular. I just "was". Now, we had cliques in school because what school doesn't have cliques? Of course, there were the jocks and the cheerleaders and the potheads and stoners and the preppies and then there was one group who, I feel,  had some of the meanest girls included in it.
The Raidaires.
The Raidaires were the dance line. A lot of people went to school where the cheerleaders were bitches but not at my school. The cheerleaders were cool and friendly. It was some of the Raidaires who were all out bitches. Let me say that not all of them were nasty but I can say that there were at least 4 or 5 of them who were straight up bullies.
Yup; I said it. BULLIES.
Listen, I'm not going to blow smoke up your butt and say that I was the perfect high school kid because I sure as hell wasn't. I think if people would look back at their lives they'd realized that they had been bullied at least once and had probably also been a bully at least once. I'm going to be honest and say I've been the receiver and giver. I never beat up anyone or told someone they were a worthless POS to their face but yeah; I've made fun of people when I shouldn't have and I'm not proud of it but it's the truth. Hell, I still get bullied by asshat agents but I've learned to stand up for myself and give shit right back. I ain't no shrinkin' violet, folks!
So back to The Raidaires. On game days, they wore their cutesy little dance outfits(insert gag here). They performed at pep rallies and during halftime at home games. Rah rah kill me. They walked around school like their poop didn't stink and treated those they felt were beneath them like dog crap on the bottom of their little dance shoes. Now, you would think that after high school when people, you know, GROW UP, these girls would change. Not some of The Raidaires.
Now settle in for a story, friends; it's a doozy.
Our class has a Facebook page and two years ago, a few months before our 30th reunion, one of my friends posted something really heartfelt on this page. This friend hadn't been one of the "popular" kids but she was and is smart and sweet and has a huge heart. She posted about growing up in my town and how she didn't have designer clothes and how some people treated her poorly because she didn't have said clothes. Here's part of her post:
"Some of these folks have grown up. Some of them haven't. It makes me sad. Not only for them, but moreso for their children who continue on in this immature manner.
Well, I guess this whole preamble leads me to our upcoming reunion. I hope that the folks I was referring to can get down off their high horses before then and come hang out with us regular folks. Let's keep it real"
Folks, I seriously applauded her post because it took some huge lady balls to post it. I messaged her and told her it was an awesome post and good for her for speaking her truth! She was standing up for all of us who were made to feel like that dog poop on the dance shoes.
And then came the post from one of The Raidaires who, incidentally, was the biggest bully to my friend. Unfortunately, I can't find her post as I think she erased it because, in all honesty, she came off like the most rancid bitch on the planet and if I'm lyin', I'm dyin'! This chick posted that if someone is whining about things that happened in high school 30 years after the fact they need therapy and to "get over it". And then, of course, some of her bitchy Raidaire cronies had to make comment and agree with her. Gee; I guess bullies herd together like water buffalo.
My friend was pretty unphased by the bully's comment and good for her. See, I hold a grudge and can hold a grudge FOR-EVER so this Raidaire and her cronies are on my list til the day I die because that's the way I roll. Just is. Will I beat their faces in if I see them? No but I kinda want to! (Told you this blog was gonna be real) I will say, karma has visited the biggest bully a few times and I know I shouldn't relish it but THANK YOU, KARMA!
If you're nearly 50 years old and you're still bullying people you went to high school with, you have more serious issues than anyone you ever bullied. You maybe should grow up, reevaluate your life and be a better person. Or keep being a jack ass bully and making yourself look like an imbecile. You have a choice.


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