You're petting my peeve!

My biggest pet peeve is when people are late. I am one of those annoying people who is always early for things. I've been known to arrive at my real estate open houses too early so I end up driving around for a good five or ten minutes especially if the seller is still home.
Every Tuesday, we have a sales meeting in our office. Since the beginning of time, the meeting has started at 9:00. Seriously, in the history of sales meetings, 9:00 is meeting time. Not difficult to remember right? Well, in one office, this one lady would always, without fail, show up at 9:15 so the manager decided they'd switch the meeting to 9:15 to accommodate her which is a big "oh hell no" in my book. So their meetings will now start at 9:15. Guess who decides to show up at 9:30. Yup! If I was in that office, I would've gone off on her so fast her head would spin. It was not about her being too busy to be there on time; it was about her not giving a rat's ass about being on time.
I recently spoke at a sales meeting of another office. Again, meeting starts at 9 and they typically last until 10. One agent shows up at 9:45. No. That's just effing rude. Stay in your damn car til the meeting is over then because you're a jerk for walking in 45 minutes late.
If I have a doctor appointment at 1:45, I'm always there by 1:30. You never know if there's paperwork needed or, who knows, maybe they're running ahead of schedule. It could happen! If I have a 9 a.m. hair appointment, I'm meeting them at the door. I know they run on a tight schedule and don't want them to be behind for their next appointment.
When I schedule showing appointments of multiple properties, timing is everything. If you're showing houses to someone you've never shown houses to before, you're not sure how long they'll take to look at a place; it could be 15 minutes or it could be an hour. If the buyer shows up late, you could have a serious mess on your hands if you're showing multiple homes. I can honestly say, I've over-scheduled showing times with buyers before then have to stop for a snack with them or what not if we're way ahead of schedule. You just never know! I would rather be ahead of schedule than behind!
My Dad is on the board of our local nursing home and another realtor in our area is as well. He says that without fail, she's always late then always leaves early. Come the hell on. Are you serious about serving on the board? If so, your ass needs to be there on time and needs to stay til the meeting is over!
I was 5 minutes late to our charity golf tourney this year and felt horrible about it because I'm never late! Traffic and construction delayed me and I knew I should've left ten minutes earlier but I am always at least 30 minutes early to that event but not this year. And it threw my whole day off!
I think that sometimes, people show up late on purpose to make an entrance; they want their presence to be known. If that's the case, they lead a very pathetic existence. It's rude to whomever is waiting for you when you show up late like your time is much more valuable than their time. Be courteous and be on time.


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