By the Book

My love of reading came from my Mom. My Mother is a total bookworm. Go to their house and you'll see a book on the side table by her favorite chair. When she's in Florida, she reads probably a book a day and has a library card for the Cape Coral library. When they get there, first stop is for groceries and second is for books. I can remember the first author I really enjoyed was Mary Higgins Clark. She wrote amazing mysteries and I would get totally immersed in her books. After Mary came Nora Roberts. I absolutely devoured her books and still enjoy reading them to this day. It's not uncommon for me to go back and re-read some of her books still to this day. I own so many of her books and refuse to get rid of them. Once "50 Shades" become popular, the books I read became more "provocative" but then again, I was in the majority! I remember referring to it as "The Book" with my friends and they'd all read it. In all actuality, the book kind...